Friday, January 29, 2010

These always make me smile

1. Any Johnson's Baby soap ad on television
2. An appreciation email
3. My mother's favorite line "I know that"
4. An email from a friend/ colleague getting back in touch after an eon

5. The only place I like "mush" - a Mills and Boon ending (Yeah! I am an avid reader)
6. Weird but true - Seeing a cab driver trying to get through the drop/ pickup while trying hard not to doze off on the steering wheel. I should be scared, but everytime I see it, fear is the farthest thing from my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I can totally relate to this! Plus other things.... When someone talks something nice about you and u step inside, when your parents boast about your success to others when they still treat you like a kid.... Humara Bajaj ad (the old one mixing tradition and the Modern India)... a lot more.


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