Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why do men stare?

There are 2 elevated spots over the front wheels in a Volvo bus which can be used like seats. To sit comfortably, although not as much as the regular seats, one needs to fold his/ her legs and face either the road in front or the inside of the bus. I had occupied such a seat, facing the inside of the bus, during my travel back home last evening and the 70 minute ride was abominable. Men stare and how! Age is not a prerequisite at all for this activity. Men from all age groups adopt such stares that it feels like a hole will erupt on your face any moment. If only telepathy would really work in such situations. We could then pass on our thoughts about being subject to such odious behavior. The different kinds of stares I have come across:

The Sizing Up Stare – This look is given as soon as you get into the bus. You are immediately sized up. For what, I have absolutely no clue. This happens everyday without fail from everyone and makes me ponder if I have suddenly grown horns or have been talking to myself loudly which I am completely capable of.

See the name on the ID Stare – Starts with people trying to locate the ID card. Once located, eyes then immediately zoom in to your ID. I detest this one as much as the next. I am comfortable wearing my ID around my neck and will not change this habit for anyone. Some men who are at quite a distance also try to see your name by bending/ craning their necks into a twist. I feel like whacking the guy for these antics but end up compensating with giving the dirtiest of looks one can ever be the recipient of. This works quite well. You are not subject to a repeat performance.

The Ranjith Stare – These are the most disgusting of the lot. When some men look, I am reminded of Ranjith, the man who played truant in films in the 80’s. This one not only makes women uncomfortable, it is in a way very scary.

I totally disagree with people who say that a stare is 2 way. It is not in most cases. You get a prickly feeling and you instantly know that someone is watching you. And being a woman, I can say that we immediately know why we are being looked at. It is most definitely not because we are from the same planet. I discount stare cases where the woman also is interested. Such instances have no place in this post.

Coming back to last evening’s ride, Mr. Stare stares, stares, stares (considering he is sitting right opposite 2 seats away), gets down and waves his hand in a goodbye gesture. I so wanted to tell the kid that I am probably years older than him and whoever taught him to stare taught him wrong.



  2. what if it works out with the guy and he needs to buy you a nice dress... if he hadn't sized you up then he wouldn't know your size :D

  3. For us, it would never work out with a guy who glares. Understand?

  4. @Ashwin
    Are you calling women goats?Tch tch....I liked the trailer though!
    You must be a man to come up with a comment like that. Trust a man to be pro-stares.

  5. May be they have not seen through your beloved ones eyes :)

  6. Have you tried staring back? Believe me, it works. Nothing is more humiliating than being stared back...try it :)

  7. Cock a snook at them.

    Shout JERK at nobody in particular.

    Stick out your tongue.

    You want a list?


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